Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Advent 2013: Seeing Christmas Anew

Sunday, December 1 marks the beginning of a new Christian year with Advent, the season of expectant waiting for the arrival of Christ.

Advent is the anglicized translation of adventus which means “coming.” The Word becoming flesh and dwelling among us is not a reality we grasp through slogans or maxims.  Approaching such mystery requires reflection and consideration, “What is God doing here?”

Our theme this Advent is Seeing Christmas Anew.  For 25 days beginning December 1, you are invited to reflect on God’s Advent through the eyes of a wise man, an expectant mother, a first time dad, a business owner, and a moonlight rancher.

What might we “see” as we peer through their eyes upon Christ’s coming?

Each Sunday morning, we will look through their eyes and hear their perspective in worship.  Throughout the week, daily devotional “prompts” will be available here.  We pray you and your household will ponder together how it looks for Christ to arrive anew in you.

Use the box on the right to subscribe by e-mail if you'd like the daily devotions delivered to your inbox each day. If you subscribed for the August Adventure, you will need to do so again to receive the advent devotions.